Andrea Hathazi, Chair of the Scientific Committee PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Vice-President ICEVI Europe
John Ravenscroft PhD, Full Professor of Childhood Visual Impairment and Director of the Scottish Sensory Centre, Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh. Editor in Chief of the British Journal of Visual Impairment. President of the ICEVI Europe
Torø Graven Ph.D, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Moray House School of Education and Sport Institute for Education, Teaching & Leadership, University of Edinburgh
Nathalie Lewi-Dumont Emeritus Assistant Professor, INSEI, Grhapes Lab, France
Beata Pronay, PhD, Associate Professor at Eotvos University, Faculty of Special Needs Edu, Department of Psychology for Special Needs, Hungary
Steve McCall Senior Lecturer (previous employment) at the School of Education, University of Birmingham, England, UK. Sightsavers consultant and RNIB consultant
Francis Boé, Medico-social executive (previous employment), Part-time professor at the University of Bordeaux, Honorary President of the GPEAA, manager at the IRSA, Bordeaux branch, trainer at FISAF
Tiziana Battistin, PhD, Visiting Professor, Department of Neuroscience and Rehabilitation, University of Ferrara, Italy; Coordinator of Training and Internship, Robert Hollman Foundation, Italy
Elena Mercuriali, Clinical Director, Robert Hollman Foundation, Italy
Agnese Suppiej, MD, PhD, Full Professor of Pediatrics, Child Neurology, Neurophthalmology. Director of the Residency School of Pediatrics, Head of Pediatric Section, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Ferrara. Director of the Pediatric Unit, S. Anna University Hospital, Ferrara. European Reference Network (ERN)-Eye
Barbara Arfé, PhD, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Learning Disabilities at the University of Padova. Deputy Rector for Inclusion and Disabilities and Head of the Learning Lab for Deaf Children, University of Padova, Italy