8.00-9.00 Registration - Sala dei Quaranta, Padova University
9.00-10.15 Opening ceremony - Aula Magna, Padova University
Welcome and Opening Remarks
· Robert Hollman Foundation, President
· ICEVI Europe, President
· Veneto Region- Social policy
· Municipality of Padova
· Padova University
· European Blind Union
· ICEVI World
10.15- 11.15 Conference Framework (Aula Magna, Padova University)
Introduction to the Conference theme and presentation of the “Key Principles for supporting children and young adults with Visual Impairment (VI)”
Speakers: Representatives from ICEVI Europe & Robert Hollman Foundation
11.15- 10.40 Coffee break - Sala delle Colonne, Padova University
11.40- 13.00 Keynote Lectures - Aula Magna, Padova University
11.40- 12.20
Support to children and young adults with visual impairment: a national perspective
Keynote speaker: Maria Elisa Fazzi – Professor, Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia, Italy
12.20 – 13.00
Support to children and young adults with visual impairment: an international perspective
Keynote speaker: Els Ortibus – Professor, Department of Development and Regeneration and Head of the Centre for Developmental Disabilities, KU Leuven, Belgium
Thursday afternoon May 15th, 2025
13.00 - 14.15 Lunch - Sala delle Colonne, Padova University
14.15 - 15.30 Parallel workshops
Key principles for supporting children and young adults with visual impairment
15.30 - 18.00 Parallel sessions
Session 1 - Area: Individual development and assessment
15.30 - 15.50
Topic: “See my life” project
Main speaker: Helen Dollfus, Professor and Head of the Medical Genetics Department of the Strasbourg University Hospitals, Strasbourg, France. Coordinator of the project ERN-EYE
15.50-18.00 Oral presentations
Session 2 - Area: Education and learning
15.30 - 15.50
Topic: to be confirmed
Main speaker: Valeria Friso, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences "G.M. Bertin" of the University of Bologna, Italy
15.50-18.00 Oral presentations
Session 3 - Area: Habilitation and rehabilitation
15.30 - 15.50
Topic: How early is early for a habilitation proposal?
Main speaker: Daniela Ricci, Head of pediatric group, National Centre of Services and Research for the Prevention of Blindness and Rehabilitation of Low Vision Patients - IAPB Italia ETS, Rome, Italy
15.50-18.00 Oral presentations
Session 4 - Area: Access, participation and engagement in society
15.30 - 15.50
Topic: to be confirmed
Main speaker: Emanuela Storani, Psychologist, Counselor, Rehabilitation technician for visual impairment and pluriminorisation and President of Aniomap, Firenze, Italy
15.50-18.00 Oral presentations
18.00 19.00 Guided tour
Friday morning May 16th, 2025
8.00-9.00 ICEVI-Europe General Assembly (only for ICEVI members)
9.00-11.00 Parallel sessions
Session 1 - Area: Individual development and assessment
9.00 - 9.20
Topic: Multidisciplinary and multiprofessional approach to diagnosis and habilitation of low vision in children
Main speaker: Agnese Suppiej, Professor and Director of the Residency School of Pediatrics, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Ferrara. Director of the Pediatric Unit, S. Anna University Hospital, Ferrara, Italy
9.20-11.00 Oral presentations
Session 2 - Area: Education and learning
9.00 - 9.20
Topic: Learning and teaching in an inclusive school: blind students matter!
Main speaker: Nathalie Levi-Dumont, Emeritus Assistant Professor, INSEI-Grhapes Lab, Suresnes, France
9.20-11.00 Oral presentations
Session 3 - Area: Habilitation and rehabilitation
9.00 - 9.20
Topic: Prospective Longitudinal Cohort study Children with Vision Impairments
Main speaker: Mathijs Vervloed, Professor, Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University, Nimega, The Netherlands
9.20-11.00 Oral presentations
Session 4 - Area: Access, participation and engagement in society
9.00 - 9.20
Topic: Lost in the maze of technological innovations? Technological development increases the autonomy of individuals with visual impairment in all areas of life
Main speaker: Judith Gombas, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Special Needs Education, ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv, Budapest, Hungary
9.20-11.00 Oral presentations
11.00 -11.30 Break
11.30-12.30 Parallel workshops
Workshop 1
Topic: Braille & Digital Literacies
Workshop 2
Topic: Tactile books
Workshop 3
Topic: Cerebral visual impairment
Workshop 4
Topic: Physical activity
Friday afternoon May 16th, 2025
12.30-13.45 – Lunch
13.45-17.45 Parallel Sessions - continuation
Session 1 - Area: Individual development and assessment
Oral presentations
Session 2 - Area: Education and learning
Oral presentations
Session 3 - Area: Habilitation and rehabilitation
Oral presentations
Session 4 - Area: Access, participation and engagement in society
Oral presentations
17.45 – 19.45 Free time
19.45 – 22.30 Conference dinner - Robert Hollman Foundation
Saturday morning May 17th, 2025
9.00-13.00 Parallel sessions
Session 1 - Area: Individual development and assessment
9.00 - 9.20
Topic: The importance of support programs for children with visual impairments in inclusive educational contexts
Main speaker: Andrea Hathazi, Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Vice-President ICEVI Europe
9.20-11.00 Oral presentations
11.00-11.20 Break
11.20-13.00 Oral presentations
Session 2 - Area: Education and learning
9.00 - 9.20
Topic: Effective networks in supporting children and young adults with visual impairment with/without multiple disabilities: learning environments for All
Main speaker: Vassilis Argyopoulos, Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
9.20-11.00 Oral presentations
11.00-11.20 Break
11.20-13.00 Oral presentations
Session 3 - Area: Habilitation and rehabilitation
9.00 - 9.20
Topic: An early attention carepath dedicated to the child with severe visual impairment and their family
Main speaker: Elena Mercuriali, Clinical Director, Robert Hollman Foundation, Padova, Italy
9.20-11.00 Oral presentations
11.00-11.20 Break
11.20-13.00 Oral presentations
Session 4 - Area: Access, participation and engagement in society
9.00 - 9.20
Topic: The dimensions of accessibility in a municipality: identifying gaps and opportunities
Main speaker: Barbara Arfé, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Disabilities and Vice-Rector for Inclusion and Disabilities, University of Padova, Italy
9.20-11.00 Oral presentations
11.00-11.20 Break
11.20-13.00 Oral presentations
Saturday afternoon May 17th, 2025
13.30-14.45 Lunch with Exhibitors & Poster session - Agorà, Centro Culturale Altinate San Gaetano
14.45-17.00 Plenary Session - Auditorium, Centro Culturale San Gaetano
14.45-15.30 - Presentation of the “Key Principles” workshops results
KP team members
15.30-16.00 Panel session on the “Concrete applications of the Key Principles in educational and rehabilitation settings”
Participants: Representatives Italian/EU Centres for Visual Impairment education/rehabilitation and Associations
16.00-17.00 Celebration of 10 years of ICEVI activity & Closing Ceremony